lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Postgraduate studies

If I could choose, I would study musical production in a technical institute. I really do not know well where is the best establishment to do it, but I have learned a lot of it by my own, so mayby, it is not so much important.
The reasons because I would do it are the fact that I am creating music and I really enjoy when I feel it sound like I want, like I feel. When I started making beats I had not had any knowledge about music at all. So, if at least I made a drums beat I felt It was perfect. But that ended when I listened another artist and I could hear how the voice, the drums, the melodies of the song sounded harmonic. And my mind started to comeback always to that type of song. In some point I decided to sound like those song. So, I get into it. Nowadays my beats sounds almost exactly as I imagined them, because of that I rhyme in a very satisfactory way, for me at least.
I think I would study this major anywhere, cause I do not know where exactly and because I believe that I would never stop learning about it. But, if I could choose I would take advantage of it to travel to another country.  Even if USA is very richful in this matter, I think I prefer Latin America for this. I think that is in this territory I would enjoy more the expirience of traveling.
Even so the fact thata I really want to study this I also enjoy my actual major, so I would prefer to do a part-time course. In a way that allows me to live both expiriences, working as a sociologist and as a musical production student. Maybe I could take advantage of both expiriences making them a feedback to each one. If I could combine one with another, in a way that give the oportunity to show music with a sociological message or a sociology that use the music as a methodology or as a new type of theory, it could be, I believe, a bomb.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

   I would like work in a way that I don´t feel like I am working. Maybe that type of jobs would be doing investigation inside of what I am studying. Like a ethnography. So, it would be outdoor, clearly. That would not need to travell a lot, because I could work everyday in the same place only if I enjoy what I am doing.
In last summer, me and my brother travell around the south of Chile in a very cheap way. We started the journey with 120.000 pesos and earn a bit more working parking cars near of a lake. We lived very short cash but we were happy for 17 days. The reason why I wrotte this down is because since that journey I have not been feeling that I need a very big salary. If this one afford my survivence and my art attacks I would be okey.
   I am studying sociology, because I thought when I was 16 that if I wanted to change the things that annoyed me in the society at first I had to understood them. I keep studying it because this major is versatile. And if I want to stop working in something I can look and start studying other in a very short time.Maybe that is the reasons for my unspecific answer of "my future job". Because I do not want just one job for the rest of my life, I would work in whatever I enjoy if I can, so it would be "my future jobs", cause I enjoy a lot of things and I think there would be more.