lunes, 10 de junio de 2019


Nowadays I am just in my 3rd semester, I have not taken any subject that it had not been in the original major, those one called CFG's, neather the electives ones. I have done 10 curses, this days I am doing another 5: Theory II, Chile's social history, Descriptive estadistics, Economy and Cualitative investigation's strategys.
I had not experienced a semester where the subject's study program have worked, maybe for the strikes or maybe it was very hard make it work if we considere that there is more than only one study program, because there is more than 1 or 2 subject's. Even so, the workload has been very heavy. Quite thug, in my opinion. And it would take another 7 semesters, it means another 3 years and a half. Personally, it feels like too much time, and I would not ask to the teacher if she/he could make it shorter, I would ask if there any chance of none count assistance. In that way I could decide how I would use my time. However, there are some subjects I would cut off of the major, because it was an  bad investment of time that took us a semester when it could be just a trimester.
Maybe we could get out more in a future,I hope if we did it we can, also, smoke outside. This is maybe the only wish i have about infrastructure and buildings.
I believe technology is not so important as the teaching methods, but, I would really apreciate if the theachers expose more than a PPT with a paragraph and in some chance a scheme.
Considering the last paragraph, I believe that limit the instance of a class in only one room, in wich only one person is talking and more than one is only listening is a bit sad. Learning does not have only one way to be, and even when we all now that we stand up for it and change this unilateral instance. If I could change my major in this aspect it would became in a instance wich change the location between the yard and the classroom and there was the chance to chat about whatever we have to learn or teach in the subject.
I hope it gets like this someday.

5 comentarios:

  1. In my major, the workload is very heavy too:(

  2. I totally agree with that the workload has been very heavy. In fact, I am very stressed in this semester. jaja

    Good Blog!

  3. Yess, I agree with the teaching metodos

  4. I'm agree with you, technology is not necessary for better teaching methods

  5. It would be interesting to combine the patio and the classroom!
