lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

Personal opinions

I am going to talk about 4 topics: Violence on television, tattoos, legalizing marijuana and other drugs, and "mechoneo" by the end.
In life is always going to appears pain, that is OK. The problem is believing that the pain that it is cause because of someone else is OK. People could make mistakes and hurt other because of it, but even when the heroe of the movie refuse to understand the point of the villain before destroying him, it could be violence. And maybe it is because the TV culture of our time is bonded with neoliberalism, but in there is always a winner and a loser, like it have to be in that way. I tried to recognised this because violence is behind the heroe and not only the villain, and I suspect that is the reasons because we, as society, normalize the violence in TV.
For me, at least, tattoos are reminders. If it is going to be with you 24/7 it must be useful the whole time. Again, this is, at least, for me. Even so, I recognised that is undeniable as an artistic way to express a part of the owner of the tattoo as the creator of it.
In my opinion, marijuana could be a drug only if you give at it that significance. I really do not know if the body starts to claim for it if you consume it for a long while, but, if it is not in that way and you are funcional with it, there is no reasosn to avoid to be legalized. About other drugs, I believe is a very big theme to express yes or no about make them legal.
And, for last, I believe that if "mechoneos" were like mine, I support them untill the end. Mechoneos should be a welcome to a new world. This new world is hard for himself, there is no reasosn to make it harder. Mechoneos should be a sign of parnership, a promise of "not everything will be OK, but we are going to be there to make it OK".

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