lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

My favorite music style is rap. I star hearing it when y was 10 years old. But I listened to very bad rappers, so I wont give details about those times. I think I really star hearing this music style 5 years ago. In those days I did not like music, actually. I listened to electronic music like dupstep or the trendding top of youtube, but I never felt completely happy doing it. However, I was bored at school and my classmate offered me to share her headphones. She was listening "estilo libre", a Liricistas´s song. It was like a hit. I asked her the name of the song and when I arrived home I started listening to it over and over, over and over. One day I check the original album of the song. While days were passing I explored this little word and nowadays I know a lot of it.
The reason why I have kept listening to rap is because I, always, get a surprise when someone can explain you a very deep though with rhymes in only 3 minutes. When I was little I read a lot, I learned a lot doing it, but with some rappers I learned a very long sort of things in 3 minutes that were equall to years of meditations. Some of this rappers song were even more deep than a bunch  of books that I read previously. And, maybe, the reason why I still like this music style it could be the fact that I can do it too. I started rapping at 14 years old and I have never stopped since. I feel everyone can do it, and being part of the music in the worl doing it.
Maybe the biggest show that I am a fan of this type of music is that the only tickets for concert that I bought by myself were for concert of this one. Even if I had to pay a lot more that I can afford I never give untill I have them. Also, I record rap songs in a studio that I made myself. 

lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

During the course of my life I just had a dog, Toto, and a cat, Carlita. Toto was a really fantastic dog and I learn some things like parnership, caring about other and enjoying little things in life. She´s dead now, and I miss her so much, but I do not feel alone cause there stills an animal friend on the family.
Carlita arrived at my home in 2003, she was very tiny and shy. She used to hide 23 hours of the day and only went out for some food and to exploring the house. Nowadays, she sleeps with the hole family, even my dad, who enjoys making her angry. My mom arrives home and hug her as soon as seen her. In the past, Carlita does not like my brother at all, she used to pee in his bedroom or tried to bite him when he tried to make contact with her. That changed in some point of our lives but we, the humans, stills trying to find out why.
When I was little she always came to see me, I think we are very similars to each other cause we hang out the most of the time together in those days. If my days in that tima had 16 hour, I must be with her 8. Sometimes I felt, and untill today in some point, that she see me like a brother. And maybe that the same reason why she came wherever I am to sleep next to me.
She is very old now, so I feels a bit of fear when she looks ill, and as she take care of me when I am down, I take care of her. Even the fact that now I does not seen her frecuently as when I was a kid, because of the university, my friends or that sometimes she prefers being with my mom or my brother.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2019

It was at the Matucana theater in the year 2017. I went to see the realease of the Techymuv, the last Chyste MC´s disk. So, I went to see him. In those days the songs of this rapper were a guide for being happy. I respected that and admired the fact that he was trying to share a part of himself to the world. Some of his songs
were not really intelligent or useful to find yourself, but a considerable part of this disk was about the death of his mother, the getting over to the pain and the self confidence. His first songs were about partying and were most similar to "beef" songs. For what I know he comes from La Florida and had a crew. the Kiltros, but nowadays he is a solist. Also he is participating in different musical projects to share his conception of life, wich is an upside down about his previous work.
When I went to this concert, everyone sang all the lyrics of the whole disk, a lot of respect and kindness for him felt in the air, cause this disk was an auditive way to understand his soul. I felt part of it, and I felt a huge admiration for his brave performance of himself. So, I sang like everyone else and, at the end, I felt satisfied of feelings. I remember that he tried to explain us how he could find his way to over come and, eventually, rise the pain he lived. I think he really open his heart to us, the public, and that is why I still remember this concert as the greatest of my life.

lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


If I could go anywhere, I would choose Colombia, I don´t know exactly why but it´s look very attractive yo me. I know it could be dangerous in some parts of the country, also in Colombia, Pablo Escobar were born and the weather is, maybe (I really don´t know), tropical. 
I would do a lot of things, especially raps song and beats with people that lives there, I would never stop studying, that´s maybe a condition of my career, and I would start working in places that allowed me to stay more time in Colombia. Even so, I would not stop travelling, I prefers moving around the country doing car-stop or living at the cheapest way possible to be abble for paying bus tickets, and, in a very low way, to sleep in a legal place to do it. Cause, camping in places you can´t coul be stupid but sometimes it is priceless. I would be happy to know differents types of lives, Y would be happy enjoying with people of Colombia as friends. That´s maybe the first step to realise those rap song I mencionated before. Reading this paragraph upside down, I believed that I really prefers live there than just travell around.