lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

My favorite music style is rap. I star hearing it when y was 10 years old. But I listened to very bad rappers, so I wont give details about those times. I think I really star hearing this music style 5 years ago. In those days I did not like music, actually. I listened to electronic music like dupstep or the trendding top of youtube, but I never felt completely happy doing it. However, I was bored at school and my classmate offered me to share her headphones. She was listening "estilo libre", a Liricistas´s song. It was like a hit. I asked her the name of the song and when I arrived home I started listening to it over and over, over and over. One day I check the original album of the song. While days were passing I explored this little word and nowadays I know a lot of it.
The reason why I have kept listening to rap is because I, always, get a surprise when someone can explain you a very deep though with rhymes in only 3 minutes. When I was little I read a lot, I learned a lot doing it, but with some rappers I learned a very long sort of things in 3 minutes that were equall to years of meditations. Some of this rappers song were even more deep than a bunch  of books that I read previously. And, maybe, the reason why I still like this music style it could be the fact that I can do it too. I started rapping at 14 years old and I have never stopped since. I feel everyone can do it, and being part of the music in the worl doing it.
Maybe the biggest show that I am a fan of this type of music is that the only tickets for concert that I bought by myself were for concert of this one. Even if I had to pay a lot more that I can afford I never give untill I have them. Also, I record rap songs in a studio that I made myself. 

5 comentarios:

  1. Rap is a really good style of music where you can say a lot in a litlle time

  2. I really like rap too! I like to dance it :)

  3. I like rap too! Well, I like any kind of music, but rap is very cool!
    Good Blog! :D

  4. I also like of rap that the rhymes can explain a deep though

  5. I admire those who rap! I like it when they go up to the mics to rape, they create a pleasant atmosphere!
