lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

During the course of my life I just had a dog, Toto, and a cat, Carlita. Toto was a really fantastic dog and I learn some things like parnership, caring about other and enjoying little things in life. She´s dead now, and I miss her so much, but I do not feel alone cause there stills an animal friend on the family.
Carlita arrived at my home in 2003, she was very tiny and shy. She used to hide 23 hours of the day and only went out for some food and to exploring the house. Nowadays, she sleeps with the hole family, even my dad, who enjoys making her angry. My mom arrives home and hug her as soon as seen her. In the past, Carlita does not like my brother at all, she used to pee in his bedroom or tried to bite him when he tried to make contact with her. That changed in some point of our lives but we, the humans, stills trying to find out why.
When I was little she always came to see me, I think we are very similars to each other cause we hang out the most of the time together in those days. If my days in that tima had 16 hour, I must be with her 8. Sometimes I felt, and untill today in some point, that she see me like a brother. And maybe that the same reason why she came wherever I am to sleep next to me.
She is very old now, so I feels a bit of fear when she looks ill, and as she take care of me when I am down, I take care of her. Even the fact that now I does not seen her frecuently as when I was a kid, because of the university, my friends or that sometimes she prefers being with my mom or my brother.

7 comentarios:

  1. cats personality is special, and how is appreciated your relationship is very cute.

  2. It seems that you and your mascots loves each other a lot. Congrats

  3. Oh! you look very child at the first photo with toto!! we always learn at the company of animals. Cats and dogs always teach us!

  4. I love cats and dogs! Toto seems like a very cute dog. :3
    Good Blog!

  5. The relationship between you and your cat is very lovely, I hope both of you spend more time together!

  6. is a strong relationship that make strongs memories, especcially whit pets like Toto and Carlita

  7. oh that shame, pets should be eternal.
