lunes, 8 de abril de 2019


If I could go anywhere, I would choose Colombia, I don´t know exactly why but it´s look very attractive yo me. I know it could be dangerous in some parts of the country, also in Colombia, Pablo Escobar were born and the weather is, maybe (I really don´t know), tropical. 
I would do a lot of things, especially raps song and beats with people that lives there, I would never stop studying, that´s maybe a condition of my career, and I would start working in places that allowed me to stay more time in Colombia. Even so, I would not stop travelling, I prefers moving around the country doing car-stop or living at the cheapest way possible to be abble for paying bus tickets, and, in a very low way, to sleep in a legal place to do it. Cause, camping in places you can´t coul be stupid but sometimes it is priceless. I would be happy to know differents types of lives, Y would be happy enjoying with people of Colombia as friends. That´s maybe the first step to realise those rap song I mencionated before. Reading this paragraph upside down, I believed that I really prefers live there than just travell around.

6 comentarios:

  1. sounds amazing but, it´s not a problem be travelling so many places in colombia and be able to work in your lyrics to do rap at the same time?

  2. it´s not if I move around Colombia giving concerts as the best rapper on Earth and history ;)

  3. Let colombian culture premeate your music style!!!

  4. Bro, this is great. And whats up with Pablo?

  5. It's sounds very intresting to know and share with people who lives in a very different way! :o

  6. it sounds to me that you are very adventurous! cool
