Personally, even when I actually enjoyed some blogs or making videos, it was an envertion of time that I would not repeat. The university is very demanding without this subject and there were several times I believed I could failed a test cause this 3 hours learning english did not give the enought time to study with all my energy. Even so, I recognise that this was not the only invertion of time that affected my marks in those test. In fact, maybe this is not the principal reason, but the other ones were things that I could not avoid or, maybe, things that I did not want it to avoid, like making music or look up how are some people I loved.
In some way, this course was an escape sometimes, blogging was fun in some occasions, but in a future, we as students should be more able to pick the topic of the blog. I remember we did it sometime and it was a very enjoyable blog. But, I do not hope to keep doing blog in the future, I would taher be doing music themes beside this ones. And if someone wants to know something about me, I prefer he or she ask me directly in a occasional chat.
However, I perfectly know that I need to improve my pronunciation. I still do not know if I am focus on this. Maybe, because I do not know if I am going to use it in a future. I have to travell someday to someplace where people speaks english I would prefer learning it in the practise, chatting with everyone. But, nowadays I am not expecting that travell and I do not have any intention, for now, to travell to that sort of places.
This days I have only used english for composing rap songs, this languajes give the opportunity to increase the number of possibles rhymes. Sometimes, I used this knownledge to watch some movies without subtitles. It always shows me that there are too many movies with very bad subtitles. So, I have used in a very short number of situation this knownledge. but, I compose a lot of rhymes so I would say that I used this knownledge a lot, beside the number of occasions I used it.