lunes, 17 de junio de 2019

About English Languaje Challenges

Personally, even when I actually enjoyed some blogs or making videos, it was an envertion of time that I would not repeat. The university is very demanding without this subject and there were several times I believed I could failed a test cause this 3 hours learning english did not give the enought time to study with all my energy. Even so, I recognise that this was not the only invertion of time that affected my marks in those test. In fact, maybe this is not the principal reason, but the other ones were things that I could not avoid or, maybe, things that I did not want it to avoid, like making music or look up how are some people I loved.
In some way, this course was an escape sometimes, blogging was fun in some occasions, but in a future, we as students should be more able to pick the topic of the blog. I remember we did it sometime and it was a very enjoyable blog. But, I do not hope to keep doing blog in the future, I would taher be doing music themes beside this ones. And if someone wants to know something about me, I prefer he or she ask me directly in a occasional chat.
However, I perfectly know that I need to improve my pronunciation. I still do not know if I am focus on this. Maybe, because I do not know if I am going to use it in a future. I have to travell someday to someplace where people speaks english I would prefer learning it in the practise, chatting with everyone. But, nowadays I am not expecting that travell and I do not have any intention, for now, to travell to that sort of places.
This days I have only used english for composing rap songs, this languajes give the opportunity to increase the number of possibles rhymes. Sometimes, I used this knownledge to watch some movies without subtitles. It always shows me that there are too many movies with very bad subtitles. So, I have used in a very short number of situation this knownledge. but, I compose a lot of rhymes so I would say that I used this knownledge a lot, beside the number of occasions I used it.

lunes, 10 de junio de 2019


Nowadays I am just in my 3rd semester, I have not taken any subject that it had not been in the original major, those one called CFG's, neather the electives ones. I have done 10 curses, this days I am doing another 5: Theory II, Chile's social history, Descriptive estadistics, Economy and Cualitative investigation's strategys.
I had not experienced a semester where the subject's study program have worked, maybe for the strikes or maybe it was very hard make it work if we considere that there is more than only one study program, because there is more than 1 or 2 subject's. Even so, the workload has been very heavy. Quite thug, in my opinion. And it would take another 7 semesters, it means another 3 years and a half. Personally, it feels like too much time, and I would not ask to the teacher if she/he could make it shorter, I would ask if there any chance of none count assistance. In that way I could decide how I would use my time. However, there are some subjects I would cut off of the major, because it was an  bad investment of time that took us a semester when it could be just a trimester.
Maybe we could get out more in a future,I hope if we did it we can, also, smoke outside. This is maybe the only wish i have about infrastructure and buildings.
I believe technology is not so important as the teaching methods, but, I would really apreciate if the theachers expose more than a PPT with a paragraph and in some chance a scheme.
Considering the last paragraph, I believe that limit the instance of a class in only one room, in wich only one person is talking and more than one is only listening is a bit sad. Learning does not have only one way to be, and even when we all now that we stand up for it and change this unilateral instance. If I could change my major in this aspect it would became in a instance wich change the location between the yard and the classroom and there was the chance to chat about whatever we have to learn or teach in the subject.
I hope it gets like this someday.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

Personal opinions

I am going to talk about 4 topics: Violence on television, tattoos, legalizing marijuana and other drugs, and "mechoneo" by the end.
In life is always going to appears pain, that is OK. The problem is believing that the pain that it is cause because of someone else is OK. People could make mistakes and hurt other because of it, but even when the heroe of the movie refuse to understand the point of the villain before destroying him, it could be violence. And maybe it is because the TV culture of our time is bonded with neoliberalism, but in there is always a winner and a loser, like it have to be in that way. I tried to recognised this because violence is behind the heroe and not only the villain, and I suspect that is the reasons because we, as society, normalize the violence in TV.
For me, at least, tattoos are reminders. If it is going to be with you 24/7 it must be useful the whole time. Again, this is, at least, for me. Even so, I recognised that is undeniable as an artistic way to express a part of the owner of the tattoo as the creator of it.
In my opinion, marijuana could be a drug only if you give at it that significance. I really do not know if the body starts to claim for it if you consume it for a long while, but, if it is not in that way and you are funcional with it, there is no reasosn to avoid to be legalized. About other drugs, I believe is a very big theme to express yes or no about make them legal.
And, for last, I believe that if "mechoneos" were like mine, I support them untill the end. Mechoneos should be a welcome to a new world. This new world is hard for himself, there is no reasosn to make it harder. Mechoneos should be a sign of parnership, a promise of "not everything will be OK, but we are going to be there to make it OK".


  When I was 16 years old I had not played too much football, in fact, I did not like it. However, my brother was my opposite in that way, he used to play everyday in the pitch near of our house, the "Ramón". This place was between the blocks of the Frei Village, and this one, as well, it was between a lot of schools. So, everyday was someone who wanted to play a match, and my brother was one of those.
  Even so I played a match or two when I was a child, I never played for real, I ran behind the ball and kicked when I could. That was the reasons why I made a fool the whole match when my brother invited me to join him. I was coming back home after hanging out with some friends and he yelled at me from the "Ramón", because they needed just one more to play.
  I felt so shamed that I started to join my brother every day. As long as I went to play I discovered that I liked playing football. I started going to play by my own. Untill today I go by my own, the difference is this one: In some point I stopped feeling shamed because I stopped making the fool.
  Nowadays, I believe that I keep doing this because is similar to my favorite activity: Creating. Football looks very stupid from outside, and sometimes from inside as well. But, there is a organic between the players that does not private this ones to invent new movements or tactics.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

Postgraduate studies

If I could choose, I would study musical production in a technical institute. I really do not know well where is the best establishment to do it, but I have learned a lot of it by my own, so mayby, it is not so much important.
The reasons because I would do it are the fact that I am creating music and I really enjoy when I feel it sound like I want, like I feel. When I started making beats I had not had any knowledge about music at all. So, if at least I made a drums beat I felt It was perfect. But that ended when I listened another artist and I could hear how the voice, the drums, the melodies of the song sounded harmonic. And my mind started to comeback always to that type of song. In some point I decided to sound like those song. So, I get into it. Nowadays my beats sounds almost exactly as I imagined them, because of that I rhyme in a very satisfactory way, for me at least.
I think I would study this major anywhere, cause I do not know where exactly and because I believe that I would never stop learning about it. But, if I could choose I would take advantage of it to travel to another country.  Even if USA is very richful in this matter, I think I prefer Latin America for this. I think that is in this territory I would enjoy more the expirience of traveling.
Even so the fact thata I really want to study this I also enjoy my actual major, so I would prefer to do a part-time course. In a way that allows me to live both expiriences, working as a sociologist and as a musical production student. Maybe I could take advantage of both expiriences making them a feedback to each one. If I could combine one with another, in a way that give the oportunity to show music with a sociological message or a sociology that use the music as a methodology or as a new type of theory, it could be, I believe, a bomb.

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

   I would like work in a way that I don´t feel like I am working. Maybe that type of jobs would be doing investigation inside of what I am studying. Like a ethnography. So, it would be outdoor, clearly. That would not need to travell a lot, because I could work everyday in the same place only if I enjoy what I am doing.
In last summer, me and my brother travell around the south of Chile in a very cheap way. We started the journey with 120.000 pesos and earn a bit more working parking cars near of a lake. We lived very short cash but we were happy for 17 days. The reason why I wrotte this down is because since that journey I have not been feeling that I need a very big salary. If this one afford my survivence and my art attacks I would be okey.
   I am studying sociology, because I thought when I was 16 that if I wanted to change the things that annoyed me in the society at first I had to understood them. I keep studying it because this major is versatile. And if I want to stop working in something I can look and start studying other in a very short time.Maybe that is the reasons for my unspecific answer of "my future job". Because I do not want just one job for the rest of my life, I would work in whatever I enjoy if I can, so it would be "my future jobs", cause I enjoy a lot of things and I think there would be more.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

My favorite music style is rap. I star hearing it when y was 10 years old. But I listened to very bad rappers, so I wont give details about those times. I think I really star hearing this music style 5 years ago. In those days I did not like music, actually. I listened to electronic music like dupstep or the trendding top of youtube, but I never felt completely happy doing it. However, I was bored at school and my classmate offered me to share her headphones. She was listening "estilo libre", a Liricistas´s song. It was like a hit. I asked her the name of the song and when I arrived home I started listening to it over and over, over and over. One day I check the original album of the song. While days were passing I explored this little word and nowadays I know a lot of it.
The reason why I have kept listening to rap is because I, always, get a surprise when someone can explain you a very deep though with rhymes in only 3 minutes. When I was little I read a lot, I learned a lot doing it, but with some rappers I learned a very long sort of things in 3 minutes that were equall to years of meditations. Some of this rappers song were even more deep than a bunch  of books that I read previously. And, maybe, the reason why I still like this music style it could be the fact that I can do it too. I started rapping at 14 years old and I have never stopped since. I feel everyone can do it, and being part of the music in the worl doing it.
Maybe the biggest show that I am a fan of this type of music is that the only tickets for concert that I bought by myself were for concert of this one. Even if I had to pay a lot more that I can afford I never give untill I have them. Also, I record rap songs in a studio that I made myself.